
Post Operative Care

  At Swarnavihar Old Age Home, our dedicated team ensures top-notch Post Operative Care. We prioritize patients' comfort, providing round-the-clock medical supervision, pain management, and medication adherence. Nutritious meals, physiotherapy, and regular check-ups aid in a speedy recovery. With compassion and expertise, we strive to make the healing process smooth and stress-free.

Essential Tips To Opt For Best Elderly Care Homes For Loved Ones

 A care home is an apt place to live if one needs care of all kinds like post operative care, to be precise, post operative nursing care, which requires you to be able to provide the level of care your relatives, specifically, an elder person needs. It is so very much essential that an elderly person, who is your acquaintance, should be registered under an approved agency, ensuring that the aged person gets the best amenities in fields like medical, post operative care, specifically, post operative nursing care, and other facilities for leading a hale and hearty life. With this end in view, we, at Swarnavihar Old Age Homes and  Dementia Care Center in Pune , an assisted-care living facility, provide daily care assistance to the needy elderlies. Our areas of specialization include Assisted Living Care, Dementia Care, Geriatric Care, Palliative/Hospice Care, Paralytic Care, Post Operative Care, precisely,  post operative nursing care . The senior care center primary ai...

Geriatric Nursing Care

 Swarnavihar Retirement Homes integrates health care and psychological care with other needed services such as Nursing Care, nutritional, assistance with activities of daily living, socialization programs, as well as Counselling and Support. Swarnavihar Oldage Homes provide geriatric care in pune , Our friendly and expert team will understand the importance of geriatric care and are devoted to the unique health care needs of older adults. Visit us

Top 3 Things On The Lookout For Residents From Senior Living Homes

 Senior homes like senior citizen homes in Pune have undergone a sea change over the last few decades. Many provide luxurious or homely ambience-a marked deviation from institutional senior living homes of yesteryears. Part of this change has been driven by what people want and require from senior citizen care services in Pune or elsewhere. There is no denying the fact that what people expect from their living facility is noticeably different in today’s time than even a year ago. Below is a list of top three things that residents expect from their modern-day senior citizen care services in Pune, rather, senior citizen homes in Pune: Need for safety & security- Safety & security requirements, which is of utmost importance, have not much changed over the years. But residents, nowadays, expect more from their senior citizen care services in Pune, than just having doctors on call or experienced nurses. Having medical professional on-site back then was an added advantage, today ...

Paralytic Care In Pune

  Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in the body. Paralysis is sometimes temporary and, in a few cases, it is permanent. Paralysis is not limited to any particular part of the body, but most cases of paralysis are observed in limbs. Partial and complete paralysis can occur at any point in time. A patient suffering from paralysis is not inflicted by any pain upon occurrence. Swarnavihar Oldage Homes  Paralytic Care In Pune  helps to understand that caring for a loved one who has suffered a paralytic and stroke can be a very stressful time.

Geriatric Nursing Care | Geriatric Care

  Swarnavihar Retirement Homes integrates health care and psychological care with other needed services such as Nursing Care, nutritional, assistance with activities of daily living, socialization programs, as well as Counselling and Support. Swarnavihar Oldage Homes provide  geriatric care in pune , Our friendly and expert team will understand the importance of geriatric care and are devoted to the unique health care needs of older adults. Visit us

Geriatric Care Tips For Elderlies & Your Loved Ones At Old Age Homes For A Better Life

 Life, like so many other things, is often not always about quantity so much as it is about quality. In other words, quality sometimes presides over quantity when it comes to leading a satisfying, fulfilling life at the end of the day as one nears old-age or is at the verge of old-age. Ageing seniors or senior citizens, so to say, tend to face losses in their quality of lives before facing the end of their lives. However, medical needs, care and assistance will not suffice to make up for losses they have suffered in leading a quality life in their old age. Side by side, their mental and emotional needs and preferences require to be taken into account for the betterment of their lives as they enter the so-called ‘finale’ or Life’s ‘last phase’. That’s where Geriatric care (care relating to old-age), precisely, Geriatric health care carried out at Geriatric care in Pune or elsewhere, comes into the picture! Visit us